The overall objective of
GROW-2 is to contribute to Liberia’s
economic diversification, and green
growth as well as the alleviation
of rural poverty, covering farmers
living in poverty (with particular
attention given to women and
Its specific objective is to contribute
to increasing production (through
both expansion and diversification),
local value addition, market access
and, accordingly, employment
opportunities for farmers living
in poverty in selected agro-based
value chains.
This will be achieved through the following expected outcomes:
- Accelerated development of selected value chains as a result of its actors (MSMEs, including cooperatives) benefitting from strengthened horizontal and vertical coordination along the value chains and market-driven improvements in production, storage, (pre-) processing and, ultimately, enhanced market access.
- Improved national enabling environment for enhancing market driven value chain development, covering a more conducive policy and regulatory framework, enhanced dialogue and demand-based multifaceted service capacities.